Endless Numbered Days review by Claire Fuller | book review blog

Our Endless Numbered Days – Book Review

This is one of those books that you can’t stop thinking about days after reading it.

Beautifully written and utterly haunting, Our Endless Numbered Days by Claire Fuller is about a father who lies to his little girl about the world ending and then runs away into the depths of a forest in Germany.

The most delicious aspect of the story for me was how the effect of this life of isolation and living off the land had an effect on Peggy (the daughter) and her father.

My favourite characters were Peggy, I thought she was brilliantly written and I especially loved the way teenage Peggy was portrayed.

I also loved Peggy’s mother, I’ve never encountered the mother figure described the way Ute was – she wasn’t a typical molly coddling motherly stereotype, she’s a strong person in her own right and her melodrama added some humour to the dark story.

I highly recommend this book. I couldn’t stop thinking about it for weeks. The story and the events that unfold are unsettling and there was such depth to the characters that I was completely sucked into the story and it took me a long time to get out again. I love it when books have that kind of effect! Well done Claire Fuller!

I give this book an 8/10

What did you think? Have you read it? Let me know in the comments below.

Thanks for reading

D x

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